Article by Kat Drew
As you read every word of this article you will be amased at what you will uncover. Meditation is an exercise that is full of benefits to your health. Enjoy to the next three minutes while you are exposed to just three of these benefits. The benefits I will reveal are lowered blood pressure, a reversal of the aging process, and a reduced need for medical care.
High blood pressure is a grave problem in the West so discovering an efficient and unharmful solution to this issue would be quite attractive. Some research has looked at the effects of meditation on blood pressure. The first study investigated a group of elderly (aged on average 66) that lived in an inner city area. The control group was treated with what is most accepted as the best method for producing physiological relaxation. A group of people with moderately high blood pressure levels were randomly assigned to either meditate, use Progressive Muscle Relaxation, or usual care. For a period of three months, systolic and diastolic blood pressure dropped by 10.6 and 5.9 mm Hg, respectively, in the group practicing meditation, and 4.0 and 2.1 mm Hg in the PMR group, and seemingly no change in the group with usual care. At Harvard they did a similar study amongst the elderly and found blood pressure changes to be similar and seemingly caused by meditation over three months (11 mm HG for systolic blood pressure.
The reversal in the aging process is very appealing considering how many products are on the market for helping to stay young. Meditation could possibly be one of these products. The method for measuring a biological age looks at the person's physiology. The group of people who had practiced meditation for a long time (more than five years) turned out to have a physiological age of twelve years younger than their chronological age when blood pressure was measures and they had better near-point version of auditory discrimination. People having practiced meditation for just a short while w ere phys iologically five years younger than their chronological age. The study did, however, control for the effects of exercise and diet.
Insurance companies will be taking a bigger interest in this in the future if it means a reduced need for medical care. Research into the health insurance statistics for more than 2000 people who had been practicing meditation over a five year period they discovered that the group actually had a decrease by half the hospitalisations that was found amongst other groups with the same sort of age, gender, profession and insurance terms. The difference between the meditation and non-meditation groups increased in older-age bracket. On top of this people that meditated had fewer incidents of illness in seventeen medical treatment categories, including 87% less hospitalisation for heart disease and 55% less for cancer. The group practicing meditation generally had 50% less visits to the doctor than the control groups.
Meditation appears with more than a doubt to have amazing benefits on health and wellbeing. Meditation is the way the body heals itself and it is very easy to do.
About the Author
STOP and listen to your thoughts. You clearly want to start to reap these benefits. Kat's Free and popular 7 day e-course and learn how to get these benefits. Got to => http://www.meditationforyou.co.uk
Happiness Industry: Joy At Last
Ajahn Brahm leads us into the Rains Retreat with this scorcher of a talk. The Buddha's teaching of acceptance and letting go of states leads to the kind of deep happiness that cannot be found by shopping in the 'happiness industry' of this world. As Ajahn Chah famously said: "Joy at last -to know there is no happiness in the world"
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