Article by Kale
When we develop an interest in meditation practice, it can be helpful to attend a meditation retreat. A meditation retreat provides a dedicated block of time focused specifically on meditation practice techniques and related skills. During a meditation retreat, there is an opportunity to repeat the techniques, receive instruction and guidance, and familiarize oneself enough to continue the practice independently.Main reasons for seeking a meditation retreat are for anxiety reduction, healing of illness, or to learn a specific technique such as kundalini yoga. Meditation retreats are especially useful to relieve depression symptoms, which include sadness, over-or under-eating, over-sleeping or inability to sleep, and loss of interest in life.There are two main types of residential meditation retreat: silent and active. Silent retreats facilitate minimal talking, and center around periods of stillness in a sustained body position to quiet the mind. For persons with anxiety or depression symptoms, an active retreat may be more helpful. Active meditation retreats provide abundant physical exercise to counteract sluggishness, and the instructions and guidance are verbal or accompanied by music. One such active meditation retreat is Inner Awakening, a 21-day residential retreat offered in Bangalore, South India. Inner Awakening weaves together a unique blend of kundalini yoga, meditation practice and guidance for establishing a new lifestyle. Both kundalini yoga and meditation focus on moving energy through the body, releasing the emotional blocks that contribute to anxiety and depression symptoms. Those who are not ill to begin with gain the wonderful benefit of increased vigor and rejuvenation. Laboratory research on previous Inner Awakening attendees has demonstrated an astonishing increase of 1300% in mitochondrion energy. Mitochondria are the microscopic energy generators in each cell of the human body. More details about this ground-breaking research are available at http://www.innerawakening.org .This ga in stems from the activation of kundalini, an energy source stored at the base of the spine. The sense of well-being produced by this experience burns away most anxiety and dissipates many depression symptoms. Meditations to raise the kundalini are led during Inner Awakening by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, an enlightened yogic master who has assisted thousands of attendees in kundalini activation. Inner Awakening also offers many kinds of valuable activities that provide as much of a every holiday as a meditation retreat. Swimming in a sacred healing pond, music and dancing, delicious healthful good food and a comfortable tropical climate make Inner Awakening the ideal life-improving vacation.www.innerawakening.org
About the Author
Hi... Its me Kale... I always like to write articles. I conduct meditation retreat programs in many places. Now i am doing research about Kundalini yoga.
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