Article by Sandra M Markcrow
Meditation is scientifically proven to help improve
• Health
• Reduce Stress Levels
• Concentration
• Better Sleep Patterns
• Relaxation Levels
• Creative Potential
• Spirituality
• Overall Wellbeing
It is highly recommended by Doctors and Scientists to incorporate meditation into your daily living schedule.
Begin your meditation practice by sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Take 3 long deep inhalations, exhaling slowly. Notice any tension in your body and focus on its location. Continue to breath long and deep, imaging that you a breathing into the tense area of your body and as you exhale, you can feel the tension easing. This method will allow you to relax your body. Then continue to focus on your breathing. follow the inhalations and exhalations with your mind continuing to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply with each cycle. This is an easy method to use to prepare you each time for your meditation session.
When meditating, the discipline you wish to achieve is to maintain your focus or awareness on one single thought. By doing this you can achieve a state of Alpha brainwave frequency. This is a state of relaxation and reflective contemplation.
Beginners of meditation practice will observe their mind wandering from one thought to the next. The training of the mind begins by the practitioner continuing to pull the minds focus back to the original thought. With practice this state of Alpha relaxation will become easier.
Keeping a diary of your daily meditation practice helps you to monitor your progress and also aids in improving the quality of each session. You will be able to look back and see how much you have learnt. This is a great motivational tool to use.
Focusing on one thought allows you to learn how to quiet the mind. It takes lots of practice to achieve this. At first your mind will be full of distracting self talk. But with practice you will be able to significantly reduce this mind chatter and eventually you will be abl e to foc us on a single thought.
Like all disciplines, meditation requires dedication and daily practice. To achieve results you need to make time each day to meditate. Begin by meditating for 15 minutes per day and then progress to up to 30 minutes. You will learn very quickly how to silence the mind chatter and be able to stay focused.
When meditating it is ideal to ensure that you will not be disturbed. Choose a room in the house that will allow you to isolate yourself from unwanted distractions. Or even outside in the garden is a pleasant meditation environment. Inform others that you do not want to be disturbed and turn phones off.
As the brain controls all of the bodies functions and plays a major role in our overall wellbeing. Meditation is a healthy exercise for this most important of all bodily structures. You will notice a remarkable improvement in you emotional health after one week of practice.
This is one example of a meditation practice. There are many more examples which I discuss on my blog. Please visit http://astralflyer-meditationforbeginners.blogspot.com/ for further information and aids to better meditation practice. Feel free to leave your comments.
About the Author
I have been meditating for 20 years and have learnt many techniques for achieving the greatest success in your meditation journey.If you would like to learn more about Meditation techniques, aids to meditation and share in my knowledge and experience. Please visit my blog at http://astralflyer-meditationforbeginners.blogspot.com/ or http://astralflyer-meditationtechniques.blogspot.com/
Alan Watts Symbols and Meaning Part 1/3
Alan Watts Speaks Enter Here: deoxy.org
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