Article by Neelima Reddy
If you are looking for an alternative means of healing to benefit your physical body and your soul, healing meditation is the answer. It is not only healing, but is a personal journey that connects your heart and your mind, and meditation strategies will be able to help you prevent sickness or deal with terminating illnesses with peace of mind.
Cancer patients are those that can benefit the most from healing meditation. It provides them with a way to see things with a renewed sense of peace and fulfillment despite the disease they may have, in an all-natural way that doesn't involve costly medication, drugs, or chemicals to add on to their existing treatments. There are significant benefits of the use of healing meditation for cancer patients, which is why it has grown in popularity as a tool to assist in healing and development of patients:
* Healing meditation technique helps to develop the positive attitude for cancer patients that will help them cope with their disease. It also greatly helps to assist in healing, which is why meditation is taught in cancer clinics around the world. It works great together with medical treatment to help improve the lives of cancer patients.
* Because of the renewed sense of peacefulness and calmness that meditation brings, cancer patients can still enjoy a better quality of life. They will be able to smile and laugh more even at the simplest things, instead of feeling depressed.
* Through the regular practice of healing meditation, patients will be able to focus their energies on positive aspects of their life through better breathing and a more relaxed state of mind. Many cancer patients tend to be depressed with their diagnosis and forget all the other joyful aspects of life, and we know that this kind of attitude may be inevitable but will also not speed up healing. Healing meditation provides them with the tools to be able to overcome depression.
* Studies have also shown that due to the practice of healing meditation by ca ncer pat ients, these bring about physiological changes that may actually reduce the size and growth of tumors. It has also been reported that those who practice meditation have a higher survival rate than those who do not. However, it should be noted that healing meditation should not be seen as curative therapy for anything but rather complementary treatment for cancer patients.
* There are no side effects to healing meditation for cancer patients. However, ensure that a licensed professional is the only one you will entrust any cancer patient to. Series of breathing techniques and meditation exercises that teach one to love more and open their mind is the best thing you can give to any cancer patient.
Because of the significant growing evidence of healing meditation in the lives of cancer patients, more and more doctors today are prescribing it as complementary therapy for their patients. As a matter of fact, they even recommend it to other patients, especially those who are suffering from depression and stress.
About the Author
Neelima Reddy is an author and publisher of many health related websites.
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