Article by Didik Suprianto
We may not be familiar with power yoga as it is not fully introduced to us. Power yoga is known as the western version of Ashtanga Yoga which brought by the Indians.Beryl Bender Birch was the one who gave the term of it. He was a teacher of
Ashtanga Yoga and at the same time an author of Power Yoga.
Yoga was inspired and was brought to the west by the renowned Sanskrit Scholar Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. The people of the west were inspired with his Ashtanga Yoga and also his philosophies.it is described to be the the practice of Yoga Poses which is done continuously in a series of exercises without stopping. The practice is accompanied by the Vinsaya which is known as riding the breath. This enables you to make certain movements from one pose to another.
it is characterized by vigorous exercises which challenges your physical and mental ability and concentration. This enables you to reach your inner power and connect with it.The difference is that the poses are done faster in a pace. This practice is essential and helpful in increasing your physical endurance.it enables you to maintain and keep up a good focus at a longer time without breaking or distracting your concentration. if you need to fully concentrate with something, it is might just be the right type for you.
it has some similarities with the modified versions of Ashtanga Yoga. The certain practices of Iyengar yoga and Bikram also influenced power yoga.Just like Bikram Yoga, notice that Power Yoga also applies the execution of the common basic yoga poses which is a good practice because even the beginners can do it.it also adapted some practices of the Iyengar Yoga which gives emphasis on the form and alignment during the practice. It also includes practice in holding a pose longer without breaking which aims to achieve maximum benefits.
Although it is has been influenced by a lot of yoga types, still it aims on the steps of Classical Yoga. It aims to unite the body, the spirit and the mind uniquely. The main o bjective of yoga is for you to be able to connect to your inner power and to reach every level through the poses and practices.With the help of power Yoga, you can dig deep to your physical, mental and spiritual power.
it is considered a good training for athletes. Not only does it train them to concentrate deeply but it also aids them in the prevention of injuries and rehabilitation that may come.If you want to do Power Yoga, you should know first if your health condition can withstand the practice. You should know that Power Yoga is dine in a heated room which is perfectly designed to increase the strength and flexibility, increase your concentration, release tension, stamina and tone in your body which is achieved and released through sweat.it can be taught by teachers but there might be some differences depending upon who is teaching it. The people who are healthy and fit can do and practice it. If you enjoy doing exercises and if you want less chanting, it is the best style for you. article source : http://www.yoga-fact.com/power-yoga
About the Author
Hi. I'm Didik Suprianto from Indonesia, archipelago of over 17.000 islands.I'm a half time internet marketer.I love Sports and travellingI created this blog as a guide to help you find all the best in yoga
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