There are a few recommended guidelines for meditation:
It should be done every day, preferably at the same time
It should preferably be done before a meal rather than after a meal
A spot should be set aside for meditation, which should be a quiet place and used for nothing but meditation
One should sit with the spine straight and vertical (a chair is ok to use)
What is the best time of day to meditate?
While meditation is beneficial at any time, most people who meditate agree that early morning is the best time to meditate. Part of the reason is that it is said that in early morning the hustle-and-bustle of the world has not yet begun and so it is easier to establish a meditative atmosphere. Having an early morning meditation also lets us carry some of the energy and peace of the meditation into our daily activities.
Many people also meditate either before dinner or later in the evening. Others also meditate at noon. A short meditation at these times allows one to throw off some of the accumulated stress of the work-day and become rejuvenated for further activity. An important consideration is when your schedule will allow you to meditate. Having a time of the day set aside for meditation helps in maintaining regularity.
Should I meditate with my eyes open or with my eyes closed?
Different traditions give different answers. Closing your eyes may contribute to drowsiness and sleepiness--if that's the case for you then try opening them a little. Opening your eyes may be distracting. If that's the case try closing your eyes or focus your gaze on a blank wall (Zen-style). Experiment and see what works for you and then stick with your choice of technique.
What are the physiological effects of meditation?
The most common physiological effects of meditation are reduced blood pressure, lower pulse rate, decreased metabolic rate and changes in the concentration of serum levels of various substances.
When I meditate I experience physical pain in my body. What should I do?
The point of practicing meditation is to develop mindfulness. The object of meditation isn't all that important, although the breath is a good object since it is always available, simple and peaceful.
But if it's difficult for any reason or something like pain comes up, then focusing on that is possible too. The practice of walking meditation (paying attention to the sensations at the feet as you walk from one point to another and then back again) is also very good and can be mixed in with sitting meditation over a period of an hour (35 mins sitting 25 minutes walking, say).
Sensations (itching/aches/pains) can arise in the body when meditating for several reasons. Sometimes the cause is just an uncomfortable posture--make sure that your posture is comfortable under normal circumstances. Other times the cause is that sensations in the body are more noticeable in meditation. The body and mind are calmer and you are able to notice more details in your bodily experience. It is often interesting to simply observe these sensations in your body : to use them as the objects of meditation. Sometimes these sensations just go away without your having to move or change your posture. Remember that a quiet body contributes to a quiet mind.
One technique you might try is taught by S. N. Goenka. Their web site is: http://www.dhamma.org/. Although I couldn't find specific meditation instructions there, I know that the practice that is taught in that tradition is primarily awareness of the body. You learn to focus on different parts of the body and "sweep" your attention through it.
I have a sinus problem yet I understand that breath is a cornerstone of meditation. Any suggestions for alternative meditation instructions.
Awareness of breathing can be done in a number of ways. One technique that is taught by Burmese masters is to focus your attention on the belly and diaphragm rather than the nostrils. To get a sense of what to pay attention to, place your hand on your belly (about two fingers down from the bottom of your rib cage) and feel the sensations there as you breath in and out. There is typically a 'rising' of the belly (in breath) and a 'falling' (out breath). Try to sustain both an attentiveness in that area, but also stay relaxed and breath as naturally as you can. This means that if you have to keep your mouth open for any reason this is not a problem.
Mind you, there is no reason why you shouldn't meditate on the feeling of the in-and-out breath at the mouth, if that's where you have to breath from--except that there are no specific written instructions for this practice anywhere that I am aware of. You could just adapt the meditation instructions for breathing at the nostrils to breathing at the mouth.
Is there any method or meditation that isn't centered on breath so I can help me to breath better and meditate more efficiently?
The point of meditation isn't to become an efficient meditating machine As much as anything, meditation is a question of attitude towards whatever experience you are having.
I would strongly recommend that you find a teacher if you are going to take meditation seriously. E-mail and books can help, but a teacher is invaluable. If you don't have a teacher, I can strongly recommend a book by Ven. Guranathana called "Mindfulness in Plain English" published by Wisdom books. There are some excellent meditation instructions there.
How long should I meditate?
When first learning meditation it is usually not possible to meditate for more than 10-15 minutes. After regular practice for awhile, one becomes able to meditate for longer periods of time. Many people meditate twice-daily for 20-30 minutes each time, but the right duration and frequency is for each individual to decide.
Do I need a teacher?
It is theoretically possible to learn meditation from a book. However most people who teach and practice meditation agree that a teacher can be an invaluable aid in learning a meditation technique and making sure it is practiced correctly. The beginner will usually have several questions which a teacher will be able to answer. Also, learning with a group of people, e.g. a meditation class, allows you to experience the benefit of meditating with a group of people. Most people find that they have some of their best meditations while meditating in a group, because there is a collective energy and focus present.
Various individuals and groups teach meditation. Some charge and some do not. Many different techniques are taught, some more spiritual in nature and others mainly concerned with stress-reduction and gaining a little peace of mind. As always, the important thing is finding what works for you.
Janine Jansen Jules Massenet Mindfulness from Thaïs
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