Today’s societal structure operates in such a way that is systematically designed to prevent individuals from reaching deep, intimate levels of thought. By participating in society’s game, a majority of individuals are forced to agree to many terms that ultimately shape their reality, limit their consciousness, and separate them from their families. The 40-hour work week, for example was proposed by Henry Ford in 1914 as a means for maintaining optimal productivity. However, more than 100 years later, many individuals are still bound to a 40-hour work week, and for good reason. It is my belief that the standard working model is set in place to subversively destroy families throughout America.
Whether individuals choose to acknowledge their reality or not, the simple truth is that a professional career is quite possibly one of the most important aspects of an individual’s life. A career provides you varying degrees of financial freedom, allows you to take part in leisure time, when permitted, and provides food, heat, and shelter for your family. However, the costs associated with acquiring a fruitful career, although intangible, are rather significant. For example, agreeing to a 40-hour work week ensures that you will spend a majority of your life away from your loved ones, while your children are told what to think and believe by complete strangers. Wives and husbands become estranged over time, as they begin to spend more time at their workplace than they do with their significant other. This can cause individuals to become closer with their coworkers than their significant other, leading to a lost connection that was once present, or in some cases, infidelity. Worse yet, many individuals take their work home with them, whether mentally or physically, preventing said individuals from being able to have any sense of clarity or deep thought, as they are often too busy thinking about what they will have to tend to at their workplace the following day. While the 40-hour work week is just a small piece to society’s game, the latest and greatest technology ensures that we spend as little time with our families as possible while away from the workplace.
Although some choose to limit their technology use, it is no secret that a majority of individuals indulge in various mediums of technology throughout the day. For example, social media ensures that individuals remain separated from their friends and family while portraying a false sense of interconnection. Constantly scrolling through various news feeds of superficial content ensures that many individuals remain in a constant state of discontent, causing said individuals to continue an unsustainable rate of consumption as a means of filling an empty void in their lives. And the constant consumption of new products and technology ensures that a majority of individuals will have to remain dependent on their 40-hour work week in order to continue living a lifestyle that is simply designed to feed the ego.
To no fault of your own, these needless wants are instilled in almost all individuals at a very young age through varying mediums of entertainment. Children are highly impressionable by nature, and as such, they tend to mimic the wants of their peers as a means of fitting in. But where do these wants stem from? It is my belief that television and other forms of media are simply vessels for instilling superficiality in young children under the guise of entertainment. Not only does television ensure that families around the country remain detached from their family members through simple distractions, it also shows children a false sense of reality where many individuals live lifestyles that, for most Americans, is simply unobtainable. Not to mention, the little amount of time left at the end of the day to spend with one’s family is often instead spent in silence whilst staring at a plastic screen projecting various images. This perverse method of selling products and lavish lifestyles via entertainment causes many children to ask more from their parents so that they may fit into their current social circles while looking more desirable to outsiders. However, if parents succumb to the superficial wants of their children, and most parents do, then they will be required to work longer hours or make financial sacrifices that will affect their family’s quality of life. The result is more time spent at work away from one’s family, which will ultimately contribute to a growing resentment that many children develop towards their parents once they begin to feel neglected. This is one of the many ways that televisions are used by the state to infiltrate the homes of families throughout the country in order to begin shaping the reality of children.
Although these traps are purposefully set in place at every turn to cause conflict within families, they can be minimized rather easily with a few simple lifestyle changes. Instead of choosing to watch TV when returning from work, consider reading a book or reflecting on where you are currently in life. Instead of choosing to use social media as a way to satisfy your ego, consider getting rid of social media altogether while committing yourself to strengthening the relationships around you in real life that you care about most. Instead of thinking about what your next day at work brings while at home, consider basking in the present moment where you can give all of your love and attention to your family. Tribal societies are an incredible example of how families can strengthen their bond without the need of material possessions.
When considering life during tribal times, hunting, gathering, and thinking were quite possibly the most prominent activities in day-to-day life. With no technology to distract from furthering an individual’s interpersonal development, many in tribal societies more than likely spent a good portion of their time talking with family members and reaching deeper levels of consciousness that is nearly impossible for many individuals in modern times. In fact, in today’s society, you would be hard pressed to find a large group of people that have been able to prioritize the things that are most important in their lives. This is because with so much outside stimuli imposed at any given moment, and so little time to reflect on one’s own life, society’s game has reduced individuals to their economic worth, preventing said individuals from taking extended periods of time to sit and think.
We are only here for a brief period of time, and instead of spending said time with family and loved ones, we choose to chase superficial materials that we think will bring us joy and comfort. The only joy and comfort that can be found in this life is the joy and comfort that comes from family, friends, and a sense of community. Acquiring as many material possessions as possible may provide instant gratification, but none of the materials acquired will be of any value when you reach the end of your life with no sense of family or community. Creating meaningful relationships with loved ones while continuously striving to remove yourself from society’s game is one of the only ways to ensure that you avoid the countless traps set in place that are designed to shape your reality, limit your consciousness, and separate your family.
I wrote this article because I have come to the realization that I was placing too much importance on things that have no real impact on my life. I hope that you may find some grains of truth in this article that can also help you improve your day-to-day life.
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